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Employability Programme for the Community of Wybourn
Wybourn Works

If you want to

  • build your confidence

  • learn new skills

  • get help finding work

  • change careers

  • or start your own business

You can contact us via email  Come and speak with Joanne or Melanie or Karine at the Pat Midgley Community Hub to find out more about how to be a part of Wybourn Works.

What is Wybourn Works?

Wybourn Works is a pilot project funding by Department for Work & Pensions (DWP).

The official title is Jobs Plus and following a consultation with local residents at Pat Midgely Community Hub is locally known as Wybourn Works.

The concept has been successfully rolled out in New York over the past few years. People in Queens and Bronx have been supported to enhance their current prospects for work opportunities. Many people have started work for the first time, built their skills, changed there career path and basically, improved their lifestyle.

This is having a positive impact on the community as a whole with regards to people not getting involved in gang culture and generational unemployment being addressed, as well as tapping into the potential for working in employment with better pay and prospects. 

Only 10 areas of the UK have been chosen to run the pilot project and, luckily, Wybourn is one of them. 

The pilot begins officially on the 8th July 2024.

We look forward to getting lots of positive outcomes and providing events in the Wybourn area for you to get involved with. 

Keep checking this page for upcoming events, news and information.

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