Room Hire
Pat Midgley Community Hub can offer room hire for a variety of events including parties, training, workshops and meetings.
Public Wi-fi is available in all rooms and are fully accessible
For further information or to book a room please email: or call 07964 329679.
Organisation rates (meetings, training etc) Private resident rates (parties & events)
Full centre - £25 per hour Full centre - £15 per hour
Café area - £15 per hour Cafe area - £10 per hour
Main hall & meeting room included - £15 per hour Main Hall - £10
Main Hall
The main hall is suitable for a variety of events including; exercise classes, private birthday parties, celebration events, public meetings and creative activities. Up to a maximum of 30 people seated.
The meeting room is a cozy private room suitable for individual sessions. Maximum room capacity 4. Includes a laptop desk and comfy seating. Included with the main hall for one to one/group meetings.
Café area
​The café area is suitable for events, activities and workshops. Up to a maximum of 28 people seated. There's also a roof terrace with café style seating and play area.​